Mystical Serendipity

Sometimes the universe seems to send us messages to remind us that we are all connected. I’ve had too many such mysterious experiences to count, but two of the more recent ones merit mentioning here. When I was at my dentist’s office in Santa Monica for a check up, my hygienist asked me if I knew Angela Aki, a Japanese-American singer-songwriter who is popular in Japan. I said that I know of Angela, but hadn’t yet had the pleasure of meeting her. “I went to high school with Angela in Hawaii” my dental pro commented, “and I have a feeling you are going to meet her soon.” One week later, I was at Sony Music Studios in Tokyo, and the screen below is what greeted me in the studio that day.

The bottom of the screen shows my studio, booked for Taro G, and the one above shows who is booked for the studio next to me. For those of you who cannot read Japanese, it says “Angela Aki.” So there we were, meeting in the studio just a week after my dental hygienist had a feeling we would. How fun is that? I love when life does this! But that was just the start. After Tokyo, I went to Shanghai and attended a dinner party at my friend Pearl Lam’s home. Pearl has a magnificent 88-seat dining table, and that night it was full of guests from all over the world. To my right was Pearl and to my left was a friend of hers, Ludovica, who came all the way from Rome. 

Pearl said to us, “you are both musical people, so I wanted you to get to know each other.” As we talked about our lives and our musical backgrounds, Ludovica said to me, “wait a minute, your name is Taro? Taro what?” And when I replied “Gold,” I thought she was going to fall out of her chair! The look on her face was a mix of shock and delight. “When my friend was driving me to the airport in Italy the other day,” she said, “he had a CD player in his car and was playing your album in it! I loved it so much he gave it to me as a gift!” And then just a couple of days later, we were seated next to each other for dinner in Shanghai. So fun! I love the universe’s way of weaving happy surprises together in ways we could never even imagine. Below is a photo of me with Ludovica and Pearl and other friends on that mystically serendipitous night in China.